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Embracing Our Roles: Renewing Our Commitment to Sustainable Living

We've all heard the mantras: "Go green!" "Reduce your carbon footprint!" But sometimes, these global calls to action can feel overwhelming. Where...

Tips for a Stress-Free Tax Season Experience

As tax season rolls around, do you find yourself scrambling to find receipts at the last minute or digging up old forms to remember what you’ve...

Spring fitness ideas

Spring is a season of renewal and growth, which means it's the perfect time to incorporate some fresh ideas into your fitness routine. As the...

Inspirational women who make the world a better place

The world is filled with incredible women who use their voices, talents, and unwavering determination to make a positive impact. From advocating...

Creating a Positive Start to Your Day

The first moments of your day set the tone for the hours that follow. As author F. Scott Fitzgerald aptly observed, "You are not what you think you...

Spring Forward: Adjusting Your Routine for Daylight Saving Time

As we approach spring, it's time to prepare for the annual shift in daylight saving time (DST). This year, clocks spring forward by one hour at...

Gratitude - Key to a Positive Mindset

Life brings incredible experiences, but also its fair share of challenges. Maintaining a positive outlook can sometimes feel like climbing a...

3 Common Sense Things People Should Know

One would think that certain things should go without saying. For example, knowing not to shove a fork in a hot toaster is hopefully somewhat...

Unraveling the Mystery of the Extra Day

For over 400 years, most of the world has used the Gregorian calendar. Implemented as a modification of the Julian calendar by Pope Gregory XIII,...

Digital Detox: A Healthy You in a Hyperconnected World

Remember the world before smartphones buzzed in our pockets and laptops glowed on every countertop? It wasn't so long ago, and while technology has...

Financial Fitness in 2024: Budgeting and Saving Tips

Let's face it: our financial concerns are slightly different than they were in our 20s. Retirement looms, healthcare costs creep up, and those...

New Year's Resolutions: Staying Committed Year Round

Within the lyrics of Auld Lang Syne, the timeless song often sung just after the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, we raise our glasses to...

The Magic of Christmas Traditions

When chestnuts are roasting and Jack Frost is nipping at your nose, you know the holiday season is upon us. Perhaps your family doesn’t roast tree...

How to be a Time Management Whiz During this Busy Season

The holiday season is a time for joy, family, and celebration. But for many of us, it's also a time of immense stress. Between shopping, cooking,...

Self-care tips for December

As the winter wind chills the air and colorful lights brighten our days, December invites us to embrace festivity and reflection. Amid the joyful...

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